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Las Piedrecitas
Noelia CernaOriginal price was: $18.95.$14.21Current price is: $14.21.

Alysse Kathleen McCannaOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

The Body: Oracle of Memory
Tureeda MikellOriginal price was: $19.95.$14.96Current price is: $14.96.

Mamas, Martyrs, and Jezebels: Myths, Legends, and Other Lies You’ve Been Told about Black Women
Jan Boulware, Rondrea Mathis, Clarissa West-White, Kideste Mariam YusefOriginal price was: $39.95.$29.96Current price is: $29.96.

No Spare People
Erin HooverOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

Down Here We Come Up
Sara Johnson AllenOriginal price was: $22.95.$17.21Current price is: $17.21.

Boomtown Girl
Shubha SunderOriginal price was: $21.95.$16.46Current price is: $16.46.

What Follows
H.R. WebsterOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

Midwinter Constellation
Becca KlaverOriginal price was: $17.95.$13.46Current price is: $13.46.

The Way of the Saints
Elizabeth EngelmanOriginal price was: $18.00.$13.50Current price is: $13.50.

Ösel Jessica PlanteOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.
![mourning my inner[blackgirl]child](
mourning my inner[blackgirl]child
dr. reelaviolette botts-wardOriginal price was: $16.00.$12.00Current price is: $12.00.

The Shape of the Keyhole
Denise BergmanOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

Women in the Waiting Room
Kirun KapurOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

Look Look Look
Callista BuchenOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

The Truth Is
Avery Moselle GuessOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

The Bride Aflame
Jaclyn DwyerOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

Three Hands None
Denise BergmanOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

This Bright Darkness
Sarah McKinstry-BrownOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.

And It Begins Like This
LaTanya McQueen$7.46 – $13.46

Ruth WilliamsOriginal price was: $15.95.$11.96Current price is: $11.96.

The Summer She Was Under Water
Jen MichalskiOriginal price was: $17.95.$13.46Current price is: $13.46.

No Relation
Paula CarterOriginal price was: $15.95.$11.96Current price is: $11.96.

Alexandra Lytton RegaladoOriginal price was: $15.95.$11.96Current price is: $11.96.

Wasp Queen
Claudia CorteseOriginal price was: $15.95.$11.96Current price is: $11.96.

My Dim Aviary
Gillian Cummings$9.95 – $11.96

Four Cities
Hala AlyanOriginal price was: $13.95.$10.46Current price is: $10.46.

Brandi GeorgeOriginal price was: $13.95.$10.46Current price is: $10.46.

Bettina JuddOriginal price was: $13.95.$10.46Current price is: $10.46.

The World of Rae English
Lucy RosenthalOriginal price was: $16.95.$12.71Current price is: $12.71.